Market and Chain
We apply our agri-food knowledge of how entrepreneurs think and act throughout the chain. We work towards concrete solutions to be implemented in practice. So we support the introduction and further development of demand-driven market concepts.
Revenue models
Management issues
Pricing Systems
Revenue models
Connecting Agri & Food carries out feasibility studies and impact analyses, examines how sustainability performance can be valued, and translates figures into useful insights. This enables links within the chain to operate in a market-oriented and efficient way. With our chain expertise, we support parties who are committed to affordable and sustainably produced food.
Each link within the chain needs compensation for investments and efforts, as margins within the agri-food sector are often small. By working efficiently, market-oriented and sustainably, a profitable revenue model can be created. Connecting Agri & Food supports agri-food actors by financially underpinning these revenue models and associated key figures.
Management issues
Thanks to its independent and objective position, Connecting Agri & Food plays a connecting role within agri-food chains. This leads to win-win situations by facilitating and improving chain cooperation. We operate at both strategic and economic level. At the strategic level, we focus on new ways of cooperation to achieve innovative production standards. At the economic level, for example, we develop new parameters for payment schemes. In addition, Connecting Agri & Food has the capacity to translate measured data into renewed payment schemes.
Pricing Systems
Connecting Agri & Food has the necessary quantitative expertise to accurately calculate the impact of animal welfare and other sustainability measures on cost prices. We continuously monitor prices, cost structures and margins within the chain. With this knowledge, we develop transparent and modern pricing systems that enable chain partners to invest, and become more sustainable while reducing the risk of unwanted side effects.
Customers also benefit from this, as a good pricing system forms the basis of strategic cooperation that improves security of supply and optimizes returns.
Peter van Balkom
Market & Chain Specialist
- Phone: 06 51 42 43 27
Linda de Bie
- Phone:06 13 75 19 97
Lysanne Lucassen
Market & Chain Specialist
- Phone:06 26 54 42 44
Janneke Straver - vd Schans
Livestock & Economics Specialist
06 13 12 78 93
Janneke Straver - vd Schans
Livestock & Economics Specialist
- Phone: 06 13 12 78 93
- Connecting Agri&Food operates in the agricultural sector and periphery, from farmer to plate. Our team consists of agricultural market and food chain specialists, and data analysis experts.
Our mission is to contribute, based on scientific insights, policy understanding and practical knowledge, to a sustainable and future-proof agri and food chain. This can be done by simultaneously paying attention to profitability, environment, health, animal welfare and social support in the various links of the chain.
We create, substantiate and test innovative solutions.
We act as an independent bridge builder between the various parties in the chain, from consumer to producer.
We provide insight and overview of trends and developments in the market and society.
Connecting Agri & Food aims for a sustainable future for the agri and food chain that works with an eye on the market and faces society. We do this by providing in-depth analyses of policy measures, insight for the development of demand-driven sustainable supply chain concepts and the deployment of smart farming technology.
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Connecting Agri & Food
Oostwijk 5
P.O. Box 511
5400 AM Uden
Phone: 0413 33 68 89